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High  School

Clarkston High School

4-H Club Promote  





Lifestyle Skills

Other Clubs

Picture And Video
4-H Meeting
Rock Eagle 2018
Fortson 4 H Center


What is 4-H? 4-H to me is the youth development program where young people, like me, like us, learn to be a good citizen, the LEADER in their community and discover the newly everyday life skills for the future, dream use. The four Hs represents the equal training of the Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. With a head to clearer thinking, a heart for greater loyalty, the hands to larger service, and the health for better living. The 4-H help prepare the rising leaders with the help of adult volunteers, parents or guardians, and teachers. By attending the club meeting, on every two weeks per meeting, the 4-H members serve, help build the club, the community, the country and the world.


What is a portfolio?

Old Documents

Letter to the Judge

Letter to the Judge, start with

“Dear Project Judge” 1 page

Architecture Illustration

Project Work

What do you do to get better? Like, you are practicing your subject, you learn to be better and better.

Team Talk

Project Sharing & Helping 

Do you share your subject? Do you support other? Present what you love to do. Help others to do same and encouraging them with whatever they enjoy doing.



Do you take control of the responsibility? Do you act like a leader? Do you stay out and fight for someone?

Volunteers Packing Food

Community Service

What do you do for your community? Do you volunteer at events? Will you be there when your community needs you?

Girl Hiking in Mountains


Anything else that you do? What do you do outside of your club or school?

Photo Shoot at Sea


Take picture of what you do.  

2 pages or more

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CHS 4-H Up Coming Date 

August 9

August 30 

September 13

September 27 

October 11

October 25

November 8

November 29

December 13 


January 17

January 31

February 14

February 28

March 14

March 28

April 11

April 25

May 9

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